Movie Review: The Batman

Warner Bros

Batman has gone on a wild ride with different film adaptations that have been oscar worthy, plain cheesy, and forgettable. The Batman directed by Matt Reeves brings something new to the beloved character that’s never been seen before.

I never read a full comic of Batman, but I have picked one at a comic store and briefly seen the art and some of the dialogue. Matt Reeve’s The Batman feels like a story from one of the comic books. I felt like I jumped into a comic book and then there was Batman to save the day. In Reeves’s The Batman, the film is a standalone film not connected to any other DC superheroes. What feels like a murderer/detective mystery full of blood and riddles, Batman aside Catwoman’s need to solve a murder that has taken a toll in the very dark and dangerous Gotham city. In this film, Bruce Wayne’s parents are never brought up. Reeves instead focuses on the highs and lows of a broken city. The film feels raw and can be easily be compared to the times we are living in. Another detail I applaud is how Batman is seen as a savior. Nobody like Batman exists in this world. Everyone depends on this superhero to save the day. It’s easily noticeable that it was a priority in Reeve’s vision for the character.

THE BATMAN, Robert Pattinson as Batman, 2022. ph: Jonathan Olley / © Warner Bros. / Courtesy Everett Collection

Reeve also does a great job showcasing a man that’s battling with his morals. Bruce, in the short scenes we see him shows characteristics that show anger, desperation, hurt, and pain. Robert Patterson delivers such an excellent performance as the caped crusader and Bruce, that even the look in his eyes gives insight into how heavy Gotham is as a burden. Patterson is the best Batman. He feels and is human.

Robert Pattinson and Zoë Kravitz in ‘The Batman’ COURTESY OF JONATHAN OLLEY/DC COMICS

Zoe Kravitz as Selina Kyle, aka Catwoman, is sexy. For the first time, Selina is showcased as Bisexual. At least, that’s what I thought while watching. Reeve gave her the freedom to make Selina her own and she doesn’t disappoint. Kravitz interprets Selina as a survivor. Matt Reeves’s Selina shows Bruce is not the only resident of Gotham to take on a masked identity, but that even from two different social upbringings, they are very much alike.

The Batman is indeed the best Batman film ever made. It’s dark! It’s enjoyable! It’s remarkable! The Cinematography by Greig Fraser is a cinematic experience. It’s noticeable that each shot was thought about carefully to honor the legendary Gotham and its residents. Michael Giacchino gives a stupendous score that matches the tone of the film. It’s lively, energetic, dark, and rich! The movie is almost 3 hours but it’s easily forgotten due to its perfect pacing.

The Batman stands out as one of the best DC comics films made and distributed by Warner Bros. Pictures. 10/10

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