Theatre Review: Claws is a Theatre Achievement

A telephone experience just for one? Is it worth checking out?

What sounds like a crazy idea when you hear about it, Claws is a one-person experience via a mobile device where you take the role as a volunteer to represent The Etcetera Helpline. On your personal call, you receive a call from a young man named Danny. What you find out is that there is a monster in his closet, and he needs your help. As you go deeper into the conversation, you become part of his world, and you question everything including Danny himself.

As soon as you pick up your call and you say the magic words: “How can I help you?”, you are taken into Danny’s world. His voice is so alarming from the moment he speaks that you will feel chills down your spine. This experience is so hair-raising from beginning to end. It’s suggested to find a quiet area and be alone on the call. The terrifying 30-45 minute call can cause confusion and create moments of silence, but that’s what is frightening and fun about Claws. Danny feeds from your energy. The experience feels menacing. The experience feels so raw that for a moment you don’t know if it’s fantasy or real. (You are given a safe word to say if you want the phone call to end at any moment)

In my opinion, it’s very difficult in a theatre experience to convey fear within the voice. Danny played by Jared Anthony didn’t disappoint as he absorbs you with his tone. I have never experienced a production by Candle House Collective, but oh man, THIS WAS IMPRESSIVE. Be advised that this is a live call, so every experience will be unique.

CLAWS was an experience that took me through a range of emotions. My call ended after 35 minutes, but Candle House Collective does so well with its storytelling, that you will wish Danny called you back. You will find yourself wondering about Danny hours later.

When I was offered the opportunity to check this out, I jumped on the opportunity. Experiences like Claws is the reason why I decided to make BeyondDisway. Claws is clever, great, and scary! A victorious win for the Candle House Collective. To book your call, visit


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